Wednesday, June 24, 2015


The band formed in late 2009, with initial personnel Yudha as vocals / bass, Aconk as a scream / growl, Anton as a guitarist,Bagus as a adp gitarist and Eky as a drummer.

Name SECRET FOR LAST NIGHT taken from the lives of its personnel was always full of secrets and a mystery to some people. So we think the presence of this band can change a little taste of connoisseurs of music that exist today and beyond, hoping to be accepted and enjoyed by the community.

The type of music that we choose is a surge of emotion we have so that our music is not influenced by the music that already exists, thus providing a new color to draw attention to the listener.

I'm Afraid
I'm Afraid (4.16 MB)

Jangan Ada Lagi
Jangan Ada Lagi (6.11 MB)

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