Friday, October 2, 2015


OUT FOR REVENGE is a band that formed on 20 November 2009 domiciled in the city of Bekasi. OUT FOR REVENGE meaning out for revenge, but that does not mean we were vindictive. Here we would like all to be explored creativity an original and authentic music. we were hoping to get the support or support from various groups of young people or so, and of all personnel agreed to give the name of the band OUT FOR REVENGE. Out For Revenge joins are not the same background of all personnel. In 2009 we all agreed to take lines Pop punk music that filled several personnel is Danu (Vocal), Rizal (Vocal), Asnawi (Guitar), Irwan (Guitar), Roby (Bass), Dawn (Drum) in this position we have filled in some of the music events such as performing arts schools and other musical events. And the next couple of months we’ve produced some of the songs recorded by the Semi-track recording system, and a few moments later from some personnel there who decided to resign from their respective positions. From the first the Danu (Vocal), Rizal (Vocal) from the two-person has his own reasons on why meraka resigned, and Dawn (Drum) also withdrew because being busy with his first band who will perform recording. From some of the problems or issues we are experiencing, we decided to vacuum and think to rearrange everything up and looking for a replacement to fill in some gaps in the band. Right in the year 2011 we changed all of the following initial composition are also plans that have been made previously, with the replacement for the personnel that have mengundurkan ourselves, we also changed the initial plan. First off the flow of music is pop punk initially we turn it into a Post-hardcore musical based on the Rock. And some personnel vacancies are replacing them all, namely Romghi (Vocal), Oka (Vocal), Langgeng (Guitar), Ichlas (Lead), Irwan (Bass), Agus (Synthesizer) and Faisal (Drum). What remains of the initial arrangement was previously Irwan berposisikan on now exchanging a Bass Guitar, from some of the personnel we have prepared some demo tracks as the promotion of the return or the establishment of another band and as a notification to change the flow of the music with the media promotion of several demo songs that will be completed. Some of that makes our music different on every song we have some concepts that make the atmosphere mosh and sing and following our performance on each. Out For Revenge also brings together several elements of instrumentation or a synthesizer with some sample or sound effect, from the guitar sound distortion berkhas contact with rock music is thick, strong bass rhythm, fierce and solid, also added a knock or blow attractive with typical rock music. all carefully put together and combined so that it displays the concepts and results. A few months after the formation of the band with new personnel present our vision and mission we have very precise and as expected, shortly after we did some demo recordings for our new songs with a new concept too sure, our media campaign through the media of music exists today as radio, other music media sites, and we are also promoting through friends, relatives or others. We will carry out the plan which is the cultivation of our first album which hopefully can be solved optimally.

Keep Your Faith \m/

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